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City Clerk

Cheryl Metivier, Barre City Clerk & Treasurer
6 N. Main Street, Ste. 6
PO Box 418
Barre VT  05641
(802) 476-0242

Office Hours

The Barre City Clerk's office is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM.  We are open through lunch.  We are closed weekends and all legal holidays.

Notice Regarding Property Tax Payments UPDATED 8-19-24

The City of Barre's 2024 property tax year will cover the period from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.  Tax bills will be mailed out mid-August, and the first payment will be due by September 16, 2024.  Payments can be made on or before the four installment due dates of September 16, 2024, November 15, 2024, February 17, 2025 and May 15, 2025.  If a payment due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is extended to the next business day.  The City will issue receipts upon request when payments are received.  Any overpayment of $5 or more is refunded at the end of each tax year.  Overpayments under $5 are turned over to the Vermont State Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Division.  Payments can be made with a credit card or e-check HERE.  Service charges will be applied.

RE. JULY 2023 FLOOD DAMAGE:  State statute requires the City to bill properties based on their value as of April 1st each year, so tax bills will be sent out based on pre-flood assessments.  If your property was lost or destroyed due to the flooding, you will have an opportunity to submit an appeal to the Board of Abatement.  Additional information about such appeals will be shared on Front Porch Forum and on the City website as the schedule develops.

Contact the Barre City Clerk with any questions after you receive your tax bill.  (802) 476-0242 or

Licensing Dogs

By law, all dogs must be licensed with the Barre City Clerk's Office each year by April 1st. Rabies certificates are required to license your pet. If your pet has been spayed/neutered, we also need to see proof from your vet.  Please see below for fee schedule for dogs.  Licenses for 2025 go on sale beginning January 3, 2025.

Fee Schedule

Late Fees (after 4/1/25)

Licensing new dogs - You may stop by the clerk's office or email us at with the following information to complete the license.  If we do not receive the information, we cannot complete the license process, and your license will be delayed:

Renewing your dog's license - If you have a new rabies certificate, scan and email it to us at or fax to (802) 476-0264.

Licenses and tags can be picked up in person, or will be mailed to you upon receipt of the correct fee, and confirmation of all required paperwork and information.  Mail check or cash to the mailing address above, or click HERE to pay on-line.

Information on Abatement of Taxes, Water/sewer Charges, Late Fees and Interest Charges

You may request a hearing before the Board of Abatement for abatement of taxes, water/sewer charges, late fees and/or interest charges by submitting a written request to the clerk at or the mailing address above. Abatements can only be granted to those requests that meet at least one of the criteria established by state statute.  Click HERE to review the list of criteria and additional information about abatements.

Requests for Copies of Vital Records (birth, death, marriage) ***You can get certified copies of your VT birth certificate in ANY clerks office in the State of Vermont regardless of where in Vermont you were born.***

When requesting certified copies of vital records from the Barre City Clerks office please follow the steps below. The fee is $10 per certified copy. Please make the check payable to Barre City Clerk. Also include a self-addressed and stamped return envelope. Mail your application & photocopy of a valid ID (if applicable), payment and return envelope to:

Barre City Clerk
PO Box 418
Barre, VT 05641

1. Application and valid ID are necessary to request a certified or noncertified copy of a birth or death record.  Click on the link below for the application.
2.  You must provide a photocopy of the ID(s) referenced on the application, and the ID(s) must match the applicant's name and address.
3. Availability of certified and noncertified copies is limited to certain people/organizations, based on relationship to person named on document.  See list of authorized individuals on application.

1.  Certified and noncertified copies of marriage licenses are to be made by staff only.  No application is required.
2.  You may request a certified or noncertified copy of a marriage license by submitting your request in writing to the address above.  Be sure to include all relevant information (names of the parties and date of the marriage).  Please include your daytime phone number in case we need to contact you with questions.

Application form for birth & death records

***NOTICE:  You can now access copies of any Vermont birth or death record at any town clerk's office in the state of Vermont, regardless of where in Vermont you were born.  The same rules for access apply as are listed above.***

Property Tax Bill Copy Request & Authorization

Property tax bills that contain state rebate information are not public records. A redacted version of the bills are available upon request. Unredacted copies are available to property owners and " escrow agent, town auditor, lawyer including paralegal or assistant, employee or agent of a financial institution or credit union, realtor, or CPA".

Paper copies of tax bills are 25 cents each. Electronic copies are available free of charge via email.

Marriage Licenses

Vermont residents must apply for a marriage license in the community where they live. Out-of-state residents may apply at any Vermont Town Clerk's office. Click HERE for a PDF version of the application.  Print it off, fill it in and sign it, and return to the office so we can create your marriage license to use at your ceremony.

The fee for a marriage license is $80, plus $10 for a certified copy of the solemnized and recorded license. Licenses can be issued up to 60 days before the ceremony. If you have been divorced, a copy of your most recent divorce decree must accompany your application.

Please allow at least 24 hours between when you submit your application and when you plan on picking up the license for your wedding. Rush orders are possible, depending on staffing and other work priorities in the office. When in doubt, please call us.

Click here for a list of Justices of the Peace who perform marriages.

Call the clerk's office with any questions: (802) 476-0242.

Unclaimed Property

The Vermont Treasurer's office maintains a list of unclaimed property by owner.  You or someone you know may have unclaimed property on the list - closed bank accounts, uncollected insurance payments, etc.  Visit the Unclaimed Property Division's website to search the list for your name, and information on how to file to claim your money.