Central Vermont Stormwater Master Plan - 2018
The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) obtained a Clean Water Fund Grant from the Vermont Environmental Conservation in 2017 for Stormwater Master Planning. They then contracted with Watershed Consulting Associates, LLC in Burlington, VT to write a Stormwater Master Plan for the Central Vermont Area. This area is comprised of the City of Barre, the Town of Barre, and the Town of Plainfield. Through data collected, evaluations, analyses, designs and cost estimates for our sub-water shed, both this Report and its Appendices show us and our stakeholders a means by which to identify and prioritize future stormwater management efforts.
This planning study presents a recommended collection of Best Management Practices, or BMP's that would address specific concerns that have been raised for specific areas within our City. In particular, there is a great need to reduce stormwater impacts including phosphorus and sediment from stormwater runoff to receiving waters within these municipalities and the greater Lake Champlain Basin, in light of future regulation under the Lake Champlain Total Maximum Daily Load requirements. Although there are other BMP strateiges that could be implemented in the watershed, these are the sites and practices that project stakeholders believe will have the greatest impact and probability of implementation. These practices do not represent a regulatory obligation at this time, nor is any property owner within the watershed obligated to implement them. It should be noted that for properties with three or more acres of impervious cover without a current State Stormwater Permit will require management of existing impervious areas.
The front end Stormwater Report can be found by clicking HERE. Note that the "A" appendices are pertinent only to Barre City, and Appendices B and C are for Barre Town and Plainfield, respectively, and are extremely large, lengthy sections. Should you desire to see or receive a copy of any of the Barre City Appendices A1 - A16, please contact the City Planning Director for assistance.
CVRPC created a Story Map for our Stormwater Master Plan. A Story Map is an immersive story that combines text, interactive maps and other multimedia content that transforms digital storytelling of a project. Click on the picture below, and it will take you to the Story Map.