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Community Outreach

The Barre City Police Department employs a Community Outreach Specialist, Brooke Pouliot who supports citizens by connecting them with the services they need to meet their basic needs. This includes being a member of the Washington County Treatment Team providing services to aid individuals in successfully completing treatment court, participating on the Housing Review Team and assisting the unhoused population in connecting with services, working with the Barre Justice, and participating in several community meetings relative to public safety and community services. 

Collaboration and community outreach is a shared priority, with all police officers responsible for sharing in these efforts. In addition to daily outreach by our patrol officers, BCPD will be conducting Ice Cream Socials during the summer and regular Coffee With A Cop events. Police supervisors will work to schedule the informal ice cream socials in the various neighborhoods and parks, and with a local business to provide coffee and a location for the Coffee With A Cop events. Both provide time to interact informally or sit and chat about what’s happening in the community. Look for Ice Cream Socials and Coffee With A Cop dates in our upcoming events posted on our Facebook page. BCPD also participates in National Night Out which occurs annually on the first Tuesday in August. This event is designed to promote police-community relationships.  

BCPD invites you to take the “Community Safety and Satisfaction Survey.” It will take approximately five minutes of your time and is completely confidential. Your participation will help BCPD to improve its services, processes, and reputation.